375,00 TL

E[rnest]. Parmentier, Voyage dans la Turquie d’Europe, Typographie Ferdinand imbert, Paris, 1895

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8.000,00 TL

'a. Friedrich Wilhelm Unger, Quellen der Byzantinischen Kunstgeschichte, i. Band, enth: i.-iii. Buch, Wilhelm Braumüller, Wien, 1878.

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4.300,00 TL

'a. Lettres Édifiantes et Curieuses, écrites par des Missionnaires de la Compagnie de Jésus; Collationnées sur le Meilleures Éditions, et Enrichies de Nouvelles Notes. Mémoires du Levant. impimerie de Béthune, Paris, 1829.

Eser Detayını Gör
1.150,00 TL

'a. Jean Lorrain, La Dame Turque, Librairie Nilsson, Paris, [1898 ?].

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1.750,00 TL

'a. Mesopotamia Commission. Report of the Commission Appointed by Act of Parliament to Enquire into the Operations of War in Mesopotamia, together with a Separate Report by Commander J Wedgwood, D.S.O., M.P., and Appendices. London, 1917.

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1.250,00 TL

H[enry]. M[ontague]. Hozier, the Russo-Turkish War: including an Account of the Rise and Decline of the Ottoman Power, and the History of the Eastern Question. Edited by Captain H. M. Hozier, London, William MacKenzie, c. 1870.

Eser Detayını Gör
600,00 TL

'Eugène Woestyn, Guerre d’Orient. Les Victoires et Conquêtes des

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300,00 TL

'a. John Lodwick, in Collaboration with D. H. Young, Gulbenkian an interpretation of Calouste Sarkis Gulbenkian, Heinemann, London, Melbourne, Toronto, 1958.

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800,00 TL

'a. Alexander van Millingen, Constantinople. Resimleyen, Warwick Goble, A.&C. Black, London, MCMVi [1906]

Eser Detayını Gör
2.500,00 TL

'a. Historical Sketch of the Missions of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, in European Turkey, Asia Minor, and Armenia, John A. Gray, New York, 1861.

Eser Detayını Gör
500,00 TL

Eugène Boré, l’Homme Privé, l’Homme Public, les Voyages, les OEuvres, d’Apres un Temoin de sa vie. Avec de Nombreux Extraits des Souvenirs Personnels de Boré, Librairie Saint Charles et Oeuvre de Saint-Charles, Lille et Grammont, tarihsiz [c. 1910].

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